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About us



From the biggest transport companies to local workshops, we care about our customers.

We’ve been listening to our clients for almost five decades. This informs how we update our software, continuously improving our services year after year. Once a customer joins Assetminder, they are with us for life.


One size fits all

Assetminder can be flexible enough to be used in a wide variety of industries. Not in fleet maintenance or workshop management? We work in other industries. Get in touch today and chat to us about how Assetminder can revolutionise your business.


Our Clients

Dublin Bus logo in blackThornton's Recycling logo in blackBristol Waste logo in blackArriva logo in blackFord logo in blackDerry City and Strabane District CouncilChichester District Council logo in blackJJ Kavanagh & Sons logo in blackTirlán logo in blackSilverstone logo in blackDan Ryan Truck Rental in blackDriveline logo in blackBus Éireann logo in blackMannok logo in blackOffaly County Council logo in blackDennis Eagle logo in greyA&D logistics logo in blackCountry style recycling logo in blackSmiths logo in blackBarna Recycling logo in black


Success stories direct from our customers about how Assetminder has transformed businesses for the better.

Westmoreland & Furness Council

Drury's Vehicle Servicing Ltd

Dennis Eagle

J.J. Kavanagh & Son

Dan Ryan Truck Rental Limited

QME Mining & Tunnelling

Dave Nicholls, operations director with Dennis Eagle UK

“By analysing the activities for each technician and maintenance unit, we were able to match the best technician for each job type. We were also able to identify any problem areas and to take corrective action in the arears of additional training and upskilling. Overall productivity has increased and overtime costs have decreased”

Read the full story